Icon Map

Usage & Instructions

This section provides instructions and guidance on how to use the various features of Icon Map. The ambition is to include a video and downloadable example for each scenario.

Background Layers


Background layers

Icon Map allows you to select from a range of map background layers, accessed from the 'Background Layers' formatting settings. Note that Thunderforest and Mapbox layers require an API or token that must be pasted into the Thunderforest / Mapbox token text box before these layers can be viewed. The examples in the report below show the different layers available.

Available background layers:

In addition it is possible to reference your own map service tile server. By selecting the Custom URI option in the Background Layer dropdown, two further textboxes will become available. One to enter the URI of the tile server (which could include an on-premises server), and an attribution field to ensure that any maps include required attribution notices.

Custom URI settings


In addition to the background maps, Icon Map supports a number of overlays that appear over your selected background map.

The daylight terminator shows the boundary between daylight and night and is updated on the map every second. If you supply a datetime field in the 'Daylight Date Time' field, the daylight terminator will show for the time in your data, allowing you to view future or historic times.

The weather layers are provided by Open Weather Map and require an API key to be pasted in the settings text box before they will display.

WMS Layers

Web Map Service (WMS) is a standard protocol developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium. Icon Map has limited support for WMS, allowing a map layer to be displayed over the base map.

In order to display a WMS layer, it is necessary to specify the URL. Often WMS services are described by a GetCapabilities request. Eg:


The URL required provided in the Icon Map settings should not include the request=GetCapabilities part. Eg


The layer to be shown on the map must also be provided. This can be found by browsing the GetCapabilities XML and finding the Name tag within the Layer tag.